Monday, December 25, 2006


I lost my 2 babies, did you see them before?

One of them has orange color hair, her name is Blossom, with a red ribbon on her head.

One of them has short black hair, in a green shirt., her name is Buttercup.

If you see them, please contact me, thank you, I really miss them.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

** Belly Clismas **

Midvalley's Candy Land

Friday, December 08, 2006

La La Li Li Lat Thum Bung

During class, we were given questions to do, in order to allocate questions fairly, two of my friends use the most primitive sollution...

J: Come, we "La La Li Li Lat Thum Bung" la, ppl who show this
wins ok?

S: If like this, i also want to show this wor, then how?

Other friends: Hahahahahaha.....
Even the tutor also laughing at them :))

My this two friends really so cute, hahahaha, two people how to use "La La Li Li Lat Thum Bung" (-__-") Two people should use "One Two Juice" right? hahaha....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

心理测验: 垃圾邮件与分手态度


1。 更换电邮









如果遭受别人的抛弃,你立即地反应是非常的愤怒,恨不得要对方马上付出惨痛的代价。 好一阵子你都会一直在脑中仔细盘算如何修理他,给他一个教训,但事到临头了,只要对方哀求或摆出低姿态,你可能又马上心软,复仇计划也跟着不了了之,所以你是属于雷声大雨点小的人。

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Reasons for not studying

This is my little cousin sister Sophia,
she is going to be in standard 3 next year,
but she does not like to study....

Case 1
Sis: Why you don't like to study har? If you don't study, then what job that you want to do in the future? You must study hard then only can get a good job mar

Sophia: I can wash plates at Wong Kok (the restaurant outside my house, its not the Wong Kok Char Chan Teng)

Sis: (-_-") ........

Case 2
Sis: If you don't study, then you dunno how to read wan wor

Sophia: Who said cannot, you see Gu Ma (her dad's sister), she also didn't go to school and study before, but she also can read newspaper mar

Sis: (-__-") ........

Case 3
Sis: You see, if you don't study, then you will have to do this kind of job (mining job)

Sophia: No need la, next time I don't have to find job, I just help Ming Lee to take care of her kids mar (Ming Lee is her sister, who is going to be in Form 4)

Sis: (-_________-"") ...................................


Pamukkale is one of the extraordinary natural wonders of Turkey.
This great attraction is the white immensity of the cliff with sculptured basins full of water and congealed waterfalls; they seem done of snow, cloud and cotton.

The scientific explanation is the hot thermal places that lies under the mount provoke the calcium carbonate spill, that makes the forms as solid as travertino marbles.

One can bath there; the Turks call this place Pamukkale, which means "Castle of Cotton"

It is a proctecting landscape that fascinates, as the action of the mineral waters that contains calcium oxides left fantastic marks in the structures.

The resultant effect is spectacular: the waters spill on a series of steps, forming solid cascades and pools.

As much the cascades of calcium carbonate as the water change color in accordance with changes of the solar light that illuminates them, and the effect is surprising.

As times white, others blue, or green or other colors. The spectacle is flaring.

The continuous dynamics of the erosion and the transformation of the natural landscape result in an unusual environment.

This place looks like a place that I went last time at China -- Huang Loong 黄龙. Pretty nice~~

Huang Loong 黄龙

Huang Loong 黄龙

A Small Truth To Make Life 100%



is equal to

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26






Then what makes 100%?

Is it Money?.... No...


Leadership?... No...


Every problem has a solution,
only if we perhaps change our attitude.

To go to the top,
to that 100%,
what we really need to go further,
a bit more,


It is our attitude towards Life and Work that makes our Life 100%

Attitude is everything
Change your attitude and you change your life!

Talk about attitude,
I have something to say....

I have a friend, (I should use "had" now)
with very "good" attitude,

she told us "You all stupid one ar",
she told us "You think I am stupid and you all are brilliant",
she told ppl "My friends stick with me because of my good results",
she told ppl "My friends are very self-fish",
she told ppl........
Err, i have no idea what else did she tell other people about her "friends"...

Well, God, thnx for giving me this kinda friend,
but sorry, have to return her to You, paiseh~

Friday, November 10, 2006

My memory

Today when i was driving to campus, i saw a car behind me through the mirror, a kid was sitting beside the driver. The kid was closing her eyes, looks like she's sleeping, but her eyes was like opening and peeking something....

When i was a kid, i used to do that too. I used to follow dad when he went to play badminton at night, then when we went home, its already late, so i used to sleep in the car. Sometimes though i already woke up when i reached home, but i'll pretended that i was still sleeping, then dad will carry me down from the car and back into the house. Sometimes, dad will woke me up gently, "Mei, wake up lor, reach home d" (erm...maybe that time i grew alot and dad couldn't carry me anymore)

When i was in secondary school, dad fetched me to school every morning. Well, since it was too early, sometimes i sleep in the car too (ya, i sleep again, now i was so regret, why i always sleep in the car, why don't i spend some time chatting with dad...), and i did the same thing, but of coz dad won't carry me down from the car and into the class, he'll just woke me up gently...

I like to do that, don't you think that it's so sweet? Kids like to do that, aren't they? Or maybe I'm the only one who did it....

When people are sad, we'll tell them "Forget about it, look forward"

"If its an important memory, then you shouldn't forget it, because, when people pass away, they can only live in other people's memory"
I saw this from the comic - Conan, the detective

I learn something, i will not forget certain things, because they are the only memory that i have now, if i forget about it, i'll lose all of the memories.... I'll keep all these memories in my heart...

All the memories, deep in my heart....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Nice song: 我美丽的爱人啊

서유석 - 아름다운 사람 :


장난감을 받고서 그것을 바라보고
얼싸안고 기어이 부셔버리는
내일이면 벌써 그를 준 사람조차
잊어버리는 아이처럼

보 오오오오~ 보 오오오오~
보 오오오오~ 아름다운 나의 사람아

당신은 내가 드린
내 마음을 고운 장난감처럼
조그만 손으로 장난하고서
내 마음이 고민에 잠겨 있는

돌보지 않는 나의 여인아, 나의 사람아
보 오오오오~ 아름다운 나의 사람아

(반 복)

돌보지 않는 나의 여인아, 나의 사람아
보 오오오오~ 아름다운 나의 사람아
아름다운 나의 사람아

哦~~ 哦~~ 哦~~ 

changnankkam-ul padkkoso kugos-ul paraboda
olssankko kioi pusoborinun
neil-imyon poolsseo kurul chun saramjocha
ij-aborinun aichorom
o~ o~o~o~o~ o~ o~o~o~o~
o~ o~o~o~o~ arumdaun na-e saram-a
tangsinun nega durim ne maum-e koun changnangamchorom
choguman son-uro changnanago nae maum komine
tolboji annun na-e yoina na-e saram-a
o~ o~o~o~o~ arumdaun na-e saram-a

Downlaod at:

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Duno why....

That day my sis bought a pack of Ikan Satay,
You know Ikan Satay?
Its one of my favourite food, yummy~
But something more interesting happens here :))

The packet wrotes that its net weight is 4gm....
(You cant see properly la coz its blur, is like dis wan lar, cheap-plug handphone mar...)
I found something weird....

How come this is 4gm and that is 4gm too, but they have big difference??

Erm...Ahar! Well, you know I am so ximart mar, of course I can figure out the reason la!

Maybe the workers used different ways to weigh the packets,
the worker who weighed the left hand side packet used the machine to weigh,
but the worker who weighed the right hand side packet didnt use the machine, he used his own hand to weigh,
and coincidentally, he was wearing watch, so thats the reason why he "miss-weighed" this packet....

Must be like this la, I oso know wan lar, Ii so ximart, hahaha~
If not how come such thing will happen lar, right?
Must be this reason la~




A. 高跟鞋
B. 运动休闲鞋
C. 凉鞋
D. 学生鞋


A. 高跟鞋

喜欢穿高跟鞋的女子,个性成熟大方,喜欢思考,头脑聪明。 在生活及工作上都相当进则与努力,对周围的人事物要求会比较高,但是因为想要的东西太多,有时会因为无法满足而脾气不佳。 一般来说,这样的女子比较适合坦诚相对,如国你想要追求她,就大方的对她好,关心她,如果她觉得你是一个值得交往的对象,通常她不会故意摆架子刁难你。

B. 运动休闲鞋

喜欢穿运动及休闲鞋的女性,表面上看来大而化之,容易相处,但是她非常会保护自己,警觉性很强。 外表很容易和男生打成一片,其实她们都把这些男生当成同性朋友一般,反而对于心理喜欢的那一位,保持距离敬而远之。 一般朋友比较难看出她的心事,在坚强的防卫之下,其实她有非常脆弱的情感。

C. 凉鞋

喜欢穿凉鞋的女孩子对自己相当有自信,喜欢将自己美好的一面表现出来。 一般而言她的人缘不错,朋友也不少,对异性也很有兴趣。 不过有时候会对男友要求较多,希望对方意见与自己一样,而且个性颇为固执,不容易说服。 如果要当她的男友,可能要有耐心及多替她着响。

D. 学生鞋

喜欢穿学生样式,造型简单鞋子的女子,个性单纯敏感,家庭教育严谨,容易压抑自己的情感。 一般来说爸妈可能管得比较紧,或是学校,工作场所风气较为保守,所以平时言行比较内敛,但是这样的女子其实内心会想尝试一些冒险的经历,要小心旅行时容易受骗

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Mum's Joke

姐姐的同事打電話到家裡來, 媽媽接電話......

同事﹕喂, Cynthia 在嗎 ? (p/s: Cynthia 是姐姐的英文名)

媽媽﹕姓 Chia ? 我們家個個都是姓 Chia 的, 你要找哪個姓 Chia 的?

同事﹕Aunty.....我要找 Cynthia......

這就是我家媽媽經典的笑話, 哈哈哈哈~~~

Cheese steamboat

SY: Eh, when will u all go eat 芝士火鍋(read in cantonese) ﹖

Me: ......y u scold me 痴線婆(read in cantonese too) ﹖:-s

SY: ...................

Band 5 ? Pendrive ?

My fren: Have u taken ur MUETS?

Me: Haven o...

My fren: Wah, faster take lor~

Me: Anoh...

My fren: U know, XXX got band 5 for MUETS leh~

Me: WAH!!! Sit for MUETS can get pendrive oo??? so good??

My fren: ......(-__-") is BAND 5.. not PENDRIVE... deaf...

Cut Shit

One day, my ex-housemate was complaining dat her house's stool was having a problem.. owz cant flush de shits away (sorry if u're eating)

K: yo~, recently so fed up lar, owz cant flush away de shits aftr berak

Me: haha, anoh, last time when i stil staying there oso like dat

K: owz nid to flush so many times, waste water leh..

Me: i teach u an effective way so dat u can flush it easily, when u berak-ing, use ur ass to cut ur shits into small shits, evenly, then i can confirm dat ur shits wil be flushed away, hahahahahahahaha~~~

K: (-__-"") ................

Hahahaha, i am so disgusting rite? :p but i prefer u use "smart" to describe me, hahahaha~

KLCC Aquaria

My sis, my little cousin and me went to KLCC Aquaria,
when we reached there, there was a looooong queue,
phew, lili looooong..... u noe, is dis <-------------------------------------------------------------------> loooong...

So we started to queue up..
while we were chatting, suddenly a malay guy "squeezed in" and stood infront of me, and somemore act like nothing happens..
(-__-") i was like "huh?? wat de shit !! u no nid to queue up ar ??"

I was veli angry and "hot" dat time.. suddenly my sis saw something on de floor, it was a parking ticket which dropped out from de guy's pocket, but he din realized abt dat, my bad sis quickly stepped on de ticket and whispered to my little cousin sis :" Sophia, pick it up", muahahahaha~~

Guess wat we did wif dat ticket, we threw it into de dustbin...
Now u noe, the Chia sisters are devils, dun try to enrage them, ngek ngek ngek~

God ar, plz 4giv me....

Yahoo ID : -__-"

One day, while i was chatting wif my fren in yahoo messenger, he told me something funny, haha..

Below is de conversation btw he and his fren:

KC: I wan CY's ym id, i wan2 chat

CH: -___-"

KC: dis wan is her yahoo id?

Hahahahaha~~~ y got ppl such blur wan.... mayb nx time we can try to use dis -____-" as our yahoo id, haha...

The fruit stallholder and me - Part II

When i was walking home, i passed by a fruit stall [fruit stall again??..(-_-")]
As i told u, i like to eat mango, so i stopped to buy a pack of mango [mango again??..(-_-") but dis time i got enuf money to pay, hehe :D] , aftr i paid de $...

De conversation btw us is in cantonese:

Stallholder: lei yew gar mud yeh? (wat kind of flavour do u wan2 add?)

Me: Wu jiu fen (pepper)

Stallholder: Har? (shocked)

Me: Wu jiu fen (thinking: Are u deaf, wan me to repeat how many times har..)

Stallholder: Xun mui fen hai mm hai? (u mean "sour powder" izit?)

Me: (realized that i've talked something wrong) err... hai ya hai ya(yaya)... (lili paiseh ooo~~!!!)

Aih...y i so blur wan.... (-___-"")

Paderi vs San Fu

One day, while i was chatting wif my fren in ym, he told me dat his housemate was drunk de day before, until they have to fetch him to clinic.

Below is our conversation in ym:

CH: They fetch him to clinic dis morning

Me: Ohh, icic, haha..

CH: Haha, so serious merr

Me: Who fetch? Anoh, so serious meh? (plz take note dat there are 2 questions here)

CH: ES fetch gua, if not mistaken. Duno lerr, mayb sanfu gua (my frens and me like to mix some cantonese when we chat)

Me: sanfu? paderi fetch him?(priest in BM) (shocked)

CH: Hahahahahahaha...... (he started to luff like shit)

Me: (stil blur) Where got sanfu(priest) here?

CH: Hahahahahahahahahaha.....(seems like gona luff die) Sanfu=Painful (in cantonese, sanfu can be translated as 'priest' or 'painful')

Then i started to luff like shit too...hahaha...until my tears oso come out :p
Actually de "sanfu" is de answer for my 2nd question --> "So serious meh?" But dis is not my fault mar.... fuiyoyo...

The ice cream Ah Pek

Last sem, our volleyball club had a trip + beach volley competition at PD
Wel, u noe, the weather is lili hot mar, so ice cream is a MUST for us :D

Below is de conversation between me & de ice cream ahpek:

Me: (thinking : which flavour leh...kacang merah looks nice...) ada flavour Corn tak?

Ahpek: ada ada (by de time, dis ahpek quickly put his hand in his ice cream box and took out a corn ice cream,and his eyes was like expecting me to pay $ liao..)

Me: ohh, saya tak mau corn, saya mau kacang merah

My frens all were "squeezed" by me aftr they heard wat i said, hahaha..

The fruit stallholder and me - Part I

One morning, mum din prepare breakfast, so i walked to de stalls outside to tapao my breakfast.
I brought RM3 along wif me, enuf for a pack of "lou xu(mouse) fern gon lou".. hehe..

While i was waiting for my breakfast, i saw a fruit stall outside de shop, erm...suddenly i wanted to buy a pack of mango, dats my favourite mar..

So i walked towards the stall and took a pack of mango...
When i jz wanted to pay $.. Oh My God..i got RM3 oni..if i buy dis mango, i dun hv enuf $ to pay for my breakfast lor??? shit lor... the stallholder was looking at me and waiting for me to pay...wat mz i do leh...veli paiseh wan leh..

*Dring*.. suddenly, dis intelligent me got an idea :D

I placed de pack of mango bck to de original place.. then.. below is de conversation btw de stallholder and me:

Me: Eh, dun have jambu oo? (i've 'browsed' over all the fruits dat she sells and there is no jambu there)

Stallholder: Dont have oo

Me: Aiya, then i dun1 lor (muahahahahahaha~~)

Then i quickly walked into de shop, took my breakfast and quickly walked bck home..
phew...lili damn paiseh...hahaha~ but my "intelligence" save me, wahahaha~

When i told dis joke to my frens, they asked me bck,
"How if de stallholder lili take out a pack of jambu from de box under de table?"
Wahaha~ why i din think of that before..dat was so close.. Phew~

Saturday, October 14, 2006






跟住,阿婆就在纸上写低 “孝恩园”,

然后就用手系盒度揸左D米(真系一D),可能阿婆觉得D米太少,唔系几好意思, 就话:“今日好多人来问米啊”,跟住就将D米撒系地下,但系地下除左头先阿婆撒D米,无其他米嘞啵,莫非之前D人来问个阵,无撒米?。。。




“唔。。。唔。。。(抬头望住我地)四个嘛” (四个?阿妈几时生多左一件?阿婆,你系唔系断人头计啊?。。。)





Thursday, September 28, 2006

90 degrees - Part I

One day...
during our vball training...
when we were warm up-ing....
everyone was in the same pose...

My back was pain like shit when i was doing dis pose...
but then...
At that time...
i saw something.... (-___-"")

Geng!! He can make 90 degree...easily!!
Kami dah kalah...awak sudah menang!!
Walau yeh... guess he doesn't have back bone...
Indian snake..............

From that day, me and my frens named him "90 degree".....

Guess after few years training... he can decrease his "degree" until perhaps 50 degree, or lesser,

just like de McD Beef/Chicken Fold Over........

90 Degrees - Part II

Friday, September 29, 2006

Let me laugh b4 i start~


Erhm, kk, lets start....

That day, after "90 degrees" read my blog, he asked my fren,

90 degrees: Who the hell is 90 degree
Fren: hehehe so funny la
Fren: i duno
Fren: maybe the fella seldom come training
90 degrees: phew..
90 degrees: better not be me..
90 degrees: coz i can do 90 degree also


Then, he came to ask me,

90 degrees: camie camie..
90 degrees: who is the 90 degree guy??
90 degrees: :)):))

i didn't reply him, coz at dat time, i was luffing like shit....

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Nah !! t('o't)

When will you say "Nah!!" ?
When you show ppl your middle finger?

Now u can show ur middle finger by typing too~!

t('o't) Nah !! open mouth version

t('.'t) Nah!! close mouth version

t(@.@ t) Nah !! blur blur version

t(-__-" t) Nah !! sweating version

t(=0= t) Nah !! yawning version

t(x_x t) Nah !! die liao still want to nah version

t($_$ t) Nah !! crazy for money version

t(>.< '') Nah !! no eyes see version

t(- j - t) Nah !! elephant oso want to nah you version

t(T.T t) Nah !! crying version

t(z_z t) Nah !! sleeping version

p/s: for those who cant figure out what dis is, " t " is de middle finger, ok? ....

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A friend is better than an enemy

Why two people who couldn't be couple will become enemies?
I just dun understand why?

People always say “A friend is better than an enemy”,
Isn’t it good to be friends rather than enemies?

Why must we hate him/her when we can choose to treat him/her as friend? Isn’t it better to choose the latter one? At least you have a friend and not an enemy… And not like running away from him/her or avoiding him/her…

Hating people, running away from someone, avoiding someone…

Phew~ that’s tiring~

Come on, let's have a break~! Just be happy~ =)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

The importance of introspection

Hmm...Have you ever being boycott by your frens?

For example, one day, all your friends beside you start to leave you and boycott you,

start not to talk to you, what will you do?

Different people will have different reaction on it,
as what i observed, there are 2 types of people,

First type,
will just blame those who boycott her,
blame all of them because all of them suddenly get crazy and boycott her.

Second type,
She will ask herself why,
ask herself what she did?

ask herself "Isit my problem?"

ask herself "Isit my attitude's problem?"

If you are the first type, thats too sad (but people will not admit even though they are in this category, right?)

If you are the second type, congratulations! You have high EQ! (erm, does it mean that the first type has no or low EQ? errr......)

If you can have introspection and you are willing to change your attitude, then you will have your friends back, but remember, please dun repeat the same problem again, else no matter how many times you change, its useless, because all of us heard the story of the wolf (狼來了的故事) before, when the wolf lies too many times, his credit will have a negative value.

Lets think in this way, will a bunch of your frens boycott you TOGETHER without reason? (the main point is "together")
Are they too free, nothing to do?
Or they just have too many friends, thats why they use this way to reduce the number of friends?
Or you thought they are envying you?

Sometimes people just forget how important introspection is,

if you don't realize how important it is, then you can just continue losing frens without knowing the reason, or continue blaming those who boycott you, yet the problem is on you,
no one can help you...

Condolence [-o<

Get a call from my fren, she said one of my primary fren passed away d...ask me wan2 go his funeral onot....

When she told me de guy's name, i dun remember who he is....

Almost 10 years din meet him, isnt it too sad to meet him back in his funeral? Sigh..............

So i told her i am not going to his funeral........i'll cry there......

So sad...just same age as me...22 yrs old only, though i always say i am old liao....but now, feel dat 22 yrs old is too young for me.......


I'll keep my fingers across dat God will lead u the way to the heaven.....

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Meaningful Question

Received a sms from my fren, erm, a quite silly but meaningful question :))

"If I only have 15 seconds to live, what would you say to me in that 15 seconds?"

I forward this sms to 7 frens, hoping to have some touching replies geh....
but then in the end, I just get 3 replies.... 3 replies only? better than no replies at all la....

But these are de replies that i received, all din answer me seriously....sad.....(vomit blood) i know what is 人情冷暖......

Btw, what will you say to me if I have only 15 seconds to live?

唔怕生壞命, 最怕改壞名

What kind of names that you will remember forever?
These are some funny names that i heard before.....

1. 朱桂芳, sounds normal rite? But this name belongs to a man......

2. 蔡貴好, who will think that its a good thing if de vegetables are expensive.....

3. 管浬源 (-___-“) i duno wat happen to his parents.... mayb they just lili hope that, in the future, their son can be an ambitious member within a management team....

4. Tai Sam Fu, hahahahahahahahaha~~~ in hakka, tai sam fu means bras and unders, hahahaha =)) =))........wats going on~~

5. 刁, i am not talking something rude, this is a surname, just imagine when ppl ask him "Hai, wats ur surname?" Then he'll answer "刁" hahahahahaha~~~ =))=))

The Legend of Security

Year 2006's Merdeka, i count down by luffing like shit~~ hahahahaha~ =)) =))

While we were yamcha-ing, CC saw one of his fren--a girl....

CC: (Whispering, because he wanted to gossip about the girl but the girl was just sitting behind us) Last time hor, his ex-bf hor, is Sungei Wang's......

Everyone is so curious abt what he was going to say, we were expecting someone like "Sungei Wang owner's son", or someone who is influential..... then he continued....

CC: His ex-bf hor, (still whispering...) is Sungei Wang's security...


Everyone get squeezed by him, a BIG squeeze !!! =)) =)) =))
I luff until my tears oso came out, hahahahaha =)) =)) =))

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Korean Movie: A Moment to Remember

Highly recommend to everyone!!
Sad yet touching and beautiful love story....

Korean Movie: Moment to Remember (Eraser in My Head)

Starring: Jeong Woo-Sung, Son Ye-Jin, Baek Jong-Hak


A 27-year-old young woman named Su-jin is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) after marrying a carpenter who works for her father’s company.
Alzheimer is extremely rare and may occur among those aged 30-60 years. But, as the name implies, it is hereditary.

While both late-onset and familial AD are progressive illnesses that may last for up to 20 years or so, slowly developing from simple forgetfulness and mild depression, to full-blown loss of recognition and almost complete dependence on others for all daily tasks, familial AD, may also progress very quickly, with sufferers dying within a year. So it looks like Su-jin may just be one of the unluckiest people in the world.