during our vball training...
when we were warm up-ing....
everyone was in the same pose...

My back was pain like shit when i was doing dis pose...
but then...
At that time...
i saw something.... (-___-"")

Geng!! He can make 90 degree...easily!!
Kami dah kalah...awak sudah menang!!
Walau yeh... guess he doesn't have back bone...
Indian snake..............

From that day, me and my frens named him "90 degree".....
Guess after few years training... he can decrease his "degree" until perhaps 50 degree, or lesser,
just like de McD Beef/Chicken Fold Over........
90 Degrees - Part II
Friday, September 29, 2006
Let me laugh b4 i start~
Erhm, kk, lets start....
That day, after "90 degrees" read my blog, he asked my fren,
90 degrees: Who the hell is 90 degree
Fren: hehehe so funny la
Fren: i duno
Fren: maybe the fella seldom come training
90 degrees: phew..
90 degrees: better not be me..
90 degrees: coz i can do 90 degree also
Then, he came to ask me,
90 degrees: camie camie..
90 degrees: who is the 90 degree guy??
90 degrees: :)):))
i didn't reply him, coz at dat time, i was luffing like shit....