Thursday, November 30, 2006

Reasons for not studying

This is my little cousin sister Sophia,
she is going to be in standard 3 next year,
but she does not like to study....

Case 1
Sis: Why you don't like to study har? If you don't study, then what job that you want to do in the future? You must study hard then only can get a good job mar

Sophia: I can wash plates at Wong Kok (the restaurant outside my house, its not the Wong Kok Char Chan Teng)

Sis: (-_-") ........

Case 2
Sis: If you don't study, then you dunno how to read wan wor

Sophia: Who said cannot, you see Gu Ma (her dad's sister), she also didn't go to school and study before, but she also can read newspaper mar

Sis: (-__-") ........

Case 3
Sis: You see, if you don't study, then you will have to do this kind of job (mining job)

Sophia: No need la, next time I don't have to find job, I just help Ming Lee to take care of her kids mar (Ming Lee is her sister, who is going to be in Form 4)

Sis: (-_________-"") ...................................

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