Sunday, October 15, 2006

Cut Shit

One day, my ex-housemate was complaining dat her house's stool was having a problem.. owz cant flush de shits away (sorry if u're eating)

K: yo~, recently so fed up lar, owz cant flush away de shits aftr berak

Me: haha, anoh, last time when i stil staying there oso like dat

K: owz nid to flush so many times, waste water leh..

Me: i teach u an effective way so dat u can flush it easily, when u berak-ing, use ur ass to cut ur shits into small shits, evenly, then i can confirm dat ur shits wil be flushed away, hahahahahahahaha~~~

K: (-__-"") ................

Hahahaha, i am so disgusting rite? :p but i prefer u use "smart" to describe me, hahahaha~

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